Friday, February 19, 2010

Haiti News from San Diego


I apologize for the delay in my writing. Life is full of opportunities.
There is a significant amount of energy expended as we prepare for our upcoming trip to Haiti.

Robert and I continue to follow the events surrounding Haiti. Last week there was school that collapsed in Cap Haitien. Reports from Haitians were “another frightening earthquake”, but in fact the recent rains caused a landslide. The school was demolished and three children died.

On January 29, 2010, Paul Farmer, MD and others testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding the situation in Haiti. He supported the debt relief initiative for Haiti which appears to have moved into the international political scene with support of the US Treasury. Dr. Farmer clearly understands the need for assistance in sustainable ways for the people of Haiti.

Another interesting story is that of “Crisis Camps” that have popped up all over the world. Individuals with knowledge and experience in the area of informational technology are gathering to create opportunities to help Haiti advance technologically as part of its rebuilding.

National Public Radio aired a story recently about a gentleman who went to Port au Prince and posed as a person wishing the services of a Restavek. The Haitian who was making the deal offered the child into servitude for $100 US. The American involved in the deal offered $50 US for a 12 year old girl that could provide service in the way of cleaning and cooking in addition to sexual relations. This story represents the tragic possibilities of trafficking in Haiti.

I am at a physical therapy meeting in San Diego. Today I spent a considerable amount of the day listening to ideas about building sustainability into local and global initiatives. There was a significant focus placed on organizations (mostly NGOs) that are currently working on the ground in Haiti. I am encouraged by the efforts put forth by many of my physical therapy colleagues who are committed to the call for help..

Chi Chi hasn’t been feeling well for several days. He was finally able to see a doctor and received the diagnosis of Typhoid Fever. Obviously, this weighs heavy on our hearts as our concern for Chi Chi’s health and safety grows. We are continuing to work with our Congressional leaders regarding his visa application.

The stories continue to traverse the spectrum of horrific to hopeful. The novelty of the Haitian earthquake has left the every day consciousness of many. Robert and I seek out daily information as telecommunications continues to be challenging. I return to Sacramento late Saturday night. It will be a crazy week as we pack our bags and prepare for our adventure. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for safe travels.

Charlotte and Robert

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