Thursday, March 4, 2010

It's raining


On Tuesday, we traveled to an area outside of Milot where Robert's papa and aunt live. We visit our garden where we found Papa (81 years old) toiling away in the hot sun. Robert was greeted by everyone within a mile. All so happy to see him and eager for any gifts that may be presented. We spent most of the day here and we chose to hand out the cards made by Aleesha and Hunter with some money to the children. Everyone was so excited that children in America were thinking of them. The conditions of living are really beyond words. Our family is always so excited to see us.

We traveled from Cap Haitien via TapTap (a small truck that carries about 8-12 people with an assundry of supplies on top of the roof. We had picked up 2 sacks of 125 pounds of rice and oil for our family. They were very excited to receive the gifts of food. It was extremely hot but they make every accomodation to make us comfortable in the shade.

We visited our garden and ate oranges off of the tree. They were sweet, fragrant and refreshing. We also visited some other land behind Papa's house filled with sugar cane (behind a distillery that makes clarin-a potent Haitien alcoholic beverage).

After our visit, we went to see the house by the sea which is actually in the sea. Robert had a strong foundation built to support this structure. The neighbor did not and their house was washed away by the waves. The house has sustained some damage from the ocean waves, so no one is currently living there.

During my travels to Haiti, I always become overwhelmed by the stimulation. Mind you, the stimulation is very different here. The road to travel is like four-wheeling. People are swarming everywhere. It is blazing hot and humid. The poverty is palpable. The daily struggle is only about one thing...survival. Our evening discussions are often about the wonderment of survival these souls endure.

We are on a limited connection, so I will fill you in on the other days and events when we can access a computer again. Thank you for continuing to keep us in thoughts and prayers. We walk this land with humble hearts.

Charlotte and Robert

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